Wednesday, December 2, 2009

18 Days: Postal Service

For the past seven years I've pretty faithfully gone to my local post office (21210, or as the cool people say.."The 10") about two times a week. Over this time, I've seen a lot of postal service workers come and go. Some have been moderately kind and others pretty painful. Of course, they have to put up with a lot of wealthy old (even older than me) people from Roland Park and Guilford--so I don't completely blame them. However, the nicest and most sincere postal service worker I've met there is getting a promotion. Friday is her last day. She and I chat during my twice weekly visits often. So, today--I bought a Thank You card and handed it off to her while doing my usual shipping business.

world logo

While I've been doing my 40-day countdown, I've also been reading a great book by Donald Miller called, A Million Miles In A Thousand Years. He's the guy who wrote Blue Like Jazz. I've read all of his stuff since reading and loving Blue Like Jazz--and honestly, they've all been so-so. This one is a keeper. His best yet, I'd say. I didn't really know what the book was about before getting it--but a friend of mine who read a preview copy mentioned it reminded him of me and the thing I'm doing with turning 40. I must say, that may be why I like it so much--it feels like a very strong encouragement to me to continue living out a unique story each day.

What is your story? How are you living it out today?

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